Upcoming events.

From Combat To Creativity; In Times Of War, Prepare For Peace
Cahill Center showcase 2023 “From combat to creativity; in times of war, prepare for peace”, space, special guest/speaker: Kerry Cahill, featuring art from Vietnam Veteran, Frank Mendez.
Cultural Activity Center, Temple, Texas.
Art exhibit live music, comedians, food trucks

Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby
Title: AVA FEST (Austin Veteran Arts Fest)
Please join us Saturday at the Temple Public Library/Austin Book Fair/Kalahari Resort. We want to share the relaxation and joy of building scale plastic models with everyone. We'll have basic supplies and a selection of model kits available, or bring your own and just enjoy the fellowship. Haven't built a model since you were a kid? You'll be surprised how fun and therapeutic it can be.
Event Details:
"Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby"
AVA Fest Texas Book Festival
Date: November 11-12, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Downtown Austin
Note: "Free to all Veterans"
Sponsor/Partner: King's Hobby (KingsHobby.com) and VETERANS Suicide Prevention Channel

Texas Book Fair and Health Event
This event is to help veterans combat loneliness. There will be mindfulness sessions, authors, book signings and more 1023 Springdale Rd, Austin, Texas 78721

Book Fair & Health Event
Book Fair & Health Event
Support local Veterans by turning pages and touching lives. The aim is to bridge the gap between veterans and loneliness, emphasizing that each book page tells a different story.
Book signings by:
Published military authors
Spiritual authors
Healthy eating and nutrition authors
Mindfulness authors
Collaboration with Texas Book Festival
Date & Time: 10 AM - 5 PM, November 11-12, 2023
Venue: 1023 Springdale Rd, Austin, TX 78721
Additional Info: Participants and attendees are encouraged to come together to combat loneliness in veterans.
Organizers/Partners: Words Unite Bookstore, Texas Book Festival, Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel
QR Code: Provided for additional information (Scan Me)

Save Our Soldiers disc golf tournament
Disc golf is used to help veterans and ill, injured and disabled, soldiers with PTSD relief

Come and enjoy a concert and Comedy Show at beautiful Kalahari Resort. The comedians are all veterans recruited by AVAFEST Director of COMEDY CHRIS CRAWFORD, one of the funniest veterans in America, The concert will feature three wonderful local bands , The PETERSON BROTHERS, The TEXAS BAD CATS and GLEN COLLINS and the ALIBIS. Most important the concert and comedy show are free.

Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby
Title: AVA FEST (Austin Veteran Arts Fest)
Please join us Saturday at the Temple Public Library/Austin Book Fair/Kalahari Resort. We want to share the relaxation and joy of building scale plastic models with everyone. We'll have basic supplies and a selection of model kits available, or bring your own and just enjoy the fellowship. Haven't built a model since you were a kid? You'll be surprised how fun and therapeutic it can be.
Event Details:
"Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby"
AVA Fest at Kalahari Resort
Date: November 10, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Kalahari Resort, 3001 Kalahari Blvd., Round Rock, TX 78665
Note: "Free to all Veterans"
Sponsor/Partner: King's Hobby (KingsHobby.com) and VETERANS Suicide Prevention Channel

Come and thank our veterans as you view their art.

Celebrating Women Veterans
An art exhibition that features the work of eight unique Austin women artist who are military veterans.
Old Bakery and Emporium Congress Avenue Austin, Tx 78701

Live Sisterhood Chat "Your Story Your Strength"
Empowerment through storytelling and journaling Team RWB Headquarters-Atlanta Firebase 198 14th Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30318


Honor, Courage, and Fairways
This theme is designed to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served their country and to celebrate their commitment and sacrifices. This event will not only provide an opportunity for veterans to enjoy a day of camaraderie and friendly competition but also create a meaningful platform for the community to show their gratitude and support.
Crystal Falls Golf Club 3400 Crystal Falls Plwy, Leander, Texas

Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby
Title: AVA FEST (Austin Veteran Arts Fest)
Please join us Saturday at the Temple Public Library/Austin Book Fair/Kalahari Resort. We want to share the relaxation and joy of building scale plastic models with everyone. We'll have basic supplies and a selection of model kits available, or bring your own and just enjoy the fellowship. Haven't built a model since you were a kid? You'll be surprised how fun and therapeutic it can be.
Event Details:
"Build Yourself Up with King’s Hobby"
AVA Fest Veteran’s Chess Tournament
Date: October 21, 2023
Time: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Temple Public Library, 100 W Adams Avenue, Temple, TX 76501
Note: "Free to all Veterans"
Sponsor/Partner: King's Hobby (KingsHobby.com) and VETERANS Suicide Prevention Channel

Chess Tournament & Veteran Resources Fair
Temple Texas Public Library, 3rd floor, Mclane room

Join us for our week 1 of special AVAFEST 2023 broadcasts. We will premiere shows from AVAFEST 2022 as well as a few from this year. Be certain to view the “AWAKENED NIGHT SERIES” from Tony Santa Ana a talented filmmaker and US Air Force Veteran. We have several remarkable documentaries one is about the “911” Mobil Exhibit which visited Georgetown from New York last year as part of Georgetown ROTARY’s FIELD OF HONOR” celebration ,as well as Master Artist Franklin Mendez. There is also a good short documentary hosted by Marc Hobbs on the TEXAS MILITARY MUSEUM at Fort Mabrey.

This Veterans Art Exhibit is Open Weekdays only at Jester Annex in Round Rock Texas. An artist reception is planned for November 12, 2023. Come and see all of the fabulous Veteran Art at this Exhibit.

Tai Chi with Dave Pickens
Tai Chi Demo w/ veterans
Old Bakery and Emporium Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701

October 14 - November 14, 2023
The Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel (VSPChannel) is launching its 5th annual Austin Veteran Arts Festival (AVAFEST) event in the Central Texas communities of Austin, Round Rock and Temple, Texas. The motto of this year’s festival is still “Using the Arts to Save and Change Veterans’ Lives.” Once again, AVAFEST 2023 is being organized under the leadership and guidance of Glenn Towery and a dedicated crew of directors who have volunteered because the care so much for veterans. Glenn Towery. who is the founder and chairman of the VSPChannel, a nonprofit 501c3 organization that he created in 2018 is ecstatic. The VSPChannel online and on ROKU television, broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 day a week and can be accessed and viewed on all electronic devices by visiting the VETERANS ARTS AND WELLNESS NETWORK online at: https://veteransartsandwellnessnetwork.org/
November 10, 2023
The Really Big Show that is expected to draw a large crowd is the KALAHARI Round Rock Resort Suicide Prevention HEALING CONCERT and MANDATORY FUNNY COMEDY SHOW. “All of the comedians in the comedy show are veterans,” says AVAFEST Comedy Director, Chris Crawford, who is a very funny man himself. This Suicide Awareness project is slated to happen on November 10, 2023. Kalahari Resort Round Rock has donated its largest Convention Center Ballroom for this event. KALAHARI Resort is one of the wonders of Texas, and it has a large herd of life-sized elephants across from the front entrance and features what could be the tallest giraffe in the world. It is a very family friendly atmosphere with many interesting shops, restaurants and places to explore and have fun that include TOM FOOLERY Game Center and one of the largest indoor Water Parks. Veterans and/or military personnel who decide to spend the weekend or the night will be offered a special Military Discount. The Kalahari ballroom is being provided to the VSPChannel for a period of 24 hours and there may be other events planned for that day leading up to the 6 p.m. kickoff of the special event concert and comedy show. The VSPChannel is planning to simulcast and live stream this event to its channel and social media outlets the day of the event. Presently, the VSPChannel is in the process of booking the 2 to 3 bands that will be a part of this wonderful night at Kalahari Resort. To learn more, check out the grand opening of our revised website for the AVAFEST Schedule of Events at: www.avafest.org. There will be no charge to anyone who attends this Suicide Prevention Awareness event. This is a free event offered by the VSPChannel, and our
sponsors the VFW, MAC HAIK FORD, HEB, Georgetown Rotary, the FIELD OF HONOR and, as always, the Texas Veteran Commission.
This year’s AVAFEST 2023 will feature four Veterans Art Exhibits, two in Austin, Texas: “Celebrating Women Veterans” at the Old Bakery and Emporium curated by Department of Parks and Recreation Museums Manager, Herlinda Zamora and the “50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War” Exhibit produced and curated by acclaimed artist and Vietnam Combat veteran Franklin Mendez. The Round Rock exhibit is being produced by Round Rock Arts President, Charlie Favret and curated by Diane Bilke. It will be held at the Jester Annex Complex located on Old Settlers Blvd, in Round Rock, Texas. There is an Art Exhibit that will open in Temple, Texas on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023 at the CAHILL Center sponsored by “HELP HEAL VETERANS”, the national organization whose local office is headed up by Trish Alger and her dedicated staff. Trish Alger is the director of the Temple, Texas organization responsible for creating and distributing FREE Art Kits to veterans throughout America and Texas.
Are a great way to keep veterans active and healthy. AVAFEST 2023 is featuring four tournaments for veterans, military personnel and their family members to participate in. Pickle Ball is being added for the first time in AVAFEST history, and the Chess Tournament sponsored by CHESS VETS will be presented in the Temple, Texas Library by Michael and Illia Lennox. The Chess tournament promises to be lively and well attended event. These tournaments also include a Golf tournament sponsored by Troy Dunson of the Guardian Community Golf, and the ever popular Disc Golf sponsored by its Director, Thomas Stricklin “Strick” of the SAVE OUR SOLDIERS (SOS) and who is also the founder of Bogey Free Golf. There will also be a large fair, art exhibit and concert with a comedy show on Veterans Day, November 11, 2023 at the CAHILL center in Temple, Texas. MARCUS HOBBS of King Hobby Shop will be presenting Model Making opportunities at various events and venues throughout AVAFEST 2023. The VSPChannel’s new website designer, Sebakunze Matemane, is also setting up a series of Paint Parties for veterans that will be hosted at a soon to be announced venue in Austin, Texas. They are being created to show veterans how to use painting to relax.
AVAFEST is at the
This year, the AVAFEST BOOK FAIR Director ASHLEY KNIGHT, who is also a veteran and founder of the Words Unite bookstore in Killeen, Texas will showcase 10 veteran authors, and RACHEL PERKINS, a mental health professional, will be hosting their AVAFEST 2023 projects in coordination with the TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL. The VSPChannel would like to offer its sincerest thanks to the TEXAS BOOK FESTIVAL’s staff and, in particular, Texas Book Festival President, Dalia Azim for making it possible to highlight authors who are veterans and spread the word regarding veteran Suicide Prevention through health and wellness that will be presented by Rachel Perkins at their book festival. The Texas Book Festival is also providing the VSPChannel a FREE booth during their highly coveted event.
Once again, AVAFEST 2023 will be on the very popular audio app “CLUBHOUSE for five 1-hour online discussions on the subject of “LONELINESS”, a condition that has led to depression, anxiety and sometimes suicide. The discussion sessions will be held every Sunday starting at 6 p.m., CST on Clubhouse under the direction of Rachel Perkins, AVAFEST Director of Health and Wellness. Our Keynote Speaker and expert on this subject will be Dr. Ryeal Simms, a PhD in Psychology and a United States Marine Corps veteran.The dates for the CLUBHOUSE discussions are Sundays October 15, 22, and 29 and Sundays November 5 and 12, 2023. If you have expertise in the area of coping with Loneliness and would like to be a part of the expert panel for this discussion, contact Rachel Perkins at: rachlemorganperkins@gmail.com
We are currently forming a 100-member all veterans Suicide Prevention Choir. The person in charge of the formation of the choir is Rev. Dr. Ernest A. Benson who also serves as a Chaplain at the Temple, Texas VA Hospital. For information as to how you can join this choir contact the Choir Director, Kermit Reaves at: kermitreaves@yahoo.com
The VSPChannel will be streaming several SPECIAL broadcasts for veterans this AVAFEST 2023. We will be airing a special Sci-Fi television series written and produced by Air Force veteran Tony Santa Ana. We hope that you will tune in to see “The AWAKENED NIGHT SERIES.” There are six action-packed episodes that promise to keep you on the edge of your seat. Also, there is the debut and premiere of his film “OFFCOURSE” a story about
“When the People You Kill Come Back to Haunt You”
We are also premiering shows for the first that allows veterans and military personnel to participate from wherever they may be in the world online on our ROKU television channel.
The VETERAN MONOLOGUE 2ne SCENE SHOWCASE accepts both monologues and two-person scenes for broadcast on our channel as a bundled show. Agents and managers, if you are looking for some talented veterans in the years coming this is the place to go. Veterans and Military personnel may submit their videos for consideration to be a part of the showcase. THIS IS A FAMILY FRIENDLY SHOW so keep that in mind when producing monologue or scene. Your project should be at least 3 minutes long and no longer than 10 minutes. We accept video files that are .mp4 or .mov only. Submit your files to: avafestgtowery@gmail.com
THE VETERAN CAN DANCE SHOW :Send a video of you dancing that is no longer than 10 minutes to the link below. avafestgtowery@gmail.com Video files must be in .mov or .mp4 only.
A single dancer or a group of dancers are welcome as long as there are veterans in the dance.